Allow me to re-introduce myself and why I do what I do

Can I tell you something, Reader?

You're never *just* going to get a standard legal service from me.

I'm never *just* going to send you a contract or *just* create a guide for you that explains what your contract means and how to negotiate it.

You're never *just* getting a legal action plan in my strategy sessions.

And you're not *just* buying a contract foundations course that teaches you the foundational principles of contracting.

I'm not built to *just* deliver a service.

I'm wired to create a lasting impact.

I'm wired to create the kind of lasting impact that has people regularly texting and emailing me to thank me for that thing I said to them one, two, or three years ago because it's still impacting how they do business and live their lives.

That's because I'm here to share observations and perspectives with you that stay with you year after year after year. I'm here to help you find practical and affordable solutions for the legal issues in your business, yes, but I'm also here to shift your relationship with the law.

Because this isn't just a service to me.

It's advocacy.

It's equity work.

And, it's liberation work.

Because the truth is that I get mad every time I work with one of you.

Not at you. Never at you.

But rather at the system and the societal norms that think it's perfectly fine and in many cases prefer that you show up to a meeting to get some legal help with your shoulders at your ears because the law is stressing you the f*ck out and scaring you sh*tless.

To me, this is unacceptable. It literally keeps me up at night.

So please know that none of this is casual for me. Yes, I'm having fun. Yes, I love being of service. But this is and always will be serious work to me.

The astrology girlies will say it's the Venus conjunct Pluto in my second house of values. The human design folks will say it's my 4/1 profile that has me standing so firmly.

I like to think it's a combination of the hyperfocus of my ADHD brain, my primary training as a sociologist that shapes my perspective, and being raised by parents who told me I could do anything I put my mind to.

Well, my mind is focused on changing your relationship with the law for the better.

All of my work in this space is geared towards that singular purpose.

Because I'm not interested in a world where something like the law, which is so fundamental to our everyday existence is regularly weaponized against us such that it elicits intense stress responses just by being mentioned.

I'm not interested in a world where the law exists as a barrier to everyday people's ability to share their ideas and gifts with the world.

I am interested in the moment you take your first deep breath and let out an audible sigh during our meeting.

I'm here for the moment in our meeting where I literally watch your shoulders drop down away from your ears.

That's why I'm here.

So now I want to know, why are you here? I'd love you to take 2 minutes to fill out this survey and tell me.

And if you're ready to change your relationship to the law, just reply to this email and we can get started. As a reminder of what I offer, I've attached my current Services Guide.

Wishing you good health and prosperity,


TEL Service Guide 2024.pdf

The Everyday Lawyer

I teach freelancers, solopreneurs, and small business owners how to manage the legal issues in their businesses with confidence. There's an access to practical legal knowledge problem in the world of entrepreneurship and I'm on a mission to fix it. If you want to receive actionable guidance on how to get your business's legal house in order, subscribe to my newsletter Becoming Legalese Literate.

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